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Undergraduate students of Rare Earth Institute at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology have published papers in top international journals of applied physics

发布日期:2022-12-13     点击量:


Undergraduate students of Rare Earth Institute at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology have published papers in top international journals of applied physics


Recently, Zhang Zhirui, an undergraduate student of metallic materials engineering, published a paper entitled "Peculiarity of topological Hall effect in Mn2Sb0.9Bi0.1 ferrimagnet" (Mn2Sb0.9Bi0.1 is a novel property of the topological Hall effect in subferromagnetic magnets) as the first author in Applied Physics Letters (IF= 3.971, International TOP), a top international journal in the field of applied physics, under the supervision of Prof. Shengcan Ma / Ph.

Mn2Sb Kiya ferromagnetic alloys have received particular attention in recent years due to their excellent magnetic functional properties, but while almost all studies to date have focused on the primary phase transition between their antiferromagnetic and subferromagnetic states, in this paper large topological Hall effects associated with spin reorientation phase transitions are observed in the Mn2Sb0.9Bi0.1 alloy.More surprisingly, the sign of the alloy's topological Hall resistivity reverses around the spin reorientation phase transition temperature TSR ~ 260 K: positive above TSR and becoming negative below TSR, up to ~ -0.66 μΩ cm at 175 K and at low magnetic fields of 0.30 T.The paper discusses the physical mechanism of this interesting phenomenon through the analysis of the anomalous behaviour of magnetoresistance at different temperatures in low magnetic fields. It is also proposed that this particular topological Hall effect behaviour is important evidence for the existence of multiple complex spin configurations and even different types of sigmoids, demonstrating that Mn2Sb-based alloys are more than just simple co-linear magnetic structures before and after spin reorientation phase transitions, which need to be further investigated and determined with the help of high-end characterisation tools.

Link to the paper:https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0102038?journalCode=apl

Since its establishment, the Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Magnetic Materials and Devices has adhered to the concept of "school-family-troops", fostered a good academic atmosphere, balanced applied technology development and cutting-edge basic research, and encouraged undergraduates to enter the laboratory to carry out original research.In recent years, the laboratory has achieved outstanding results in the publication of papers, the granting of patents, service to enterprises and the transformation of results, and has made substantial breakthroughs in the cultivation of outstanding undergraduates and PhDs in particular.

Words from the tutor

"Undergraduates can also make excellent scientific research results. In the past three years since the establishment of the Rare Earth Institute, under the leadership of the cultivation concept of the school system, students uphold the ambitious goal of 'family and country, innovation and upward mobility', study hard, integrate scientific research into their usual studies and continuously achieve breakthrough results, and believe that the undergraduate education ofRare Earth Institute will definitely achieve higher and faster development."-Professor Ma Shengchan